Back in service!

After a long break the touring has started up again. First out was quite a hectic month starting with Sweden Rock Festival, then a short tour to Holland then up through Germany for a few gigs through out Sweden, ending with a wonderful final gig in a hay barn in Dala Floda. So much fun!

This Autumn there will be more performances and the calendar is filling up steadily. Stay tuned!

Pendulum Play – lab sessions 2023

So nice to have some fresh input to my Pendulum Playground! It has been a long term goal and vision all the way back since GLITCH to open up the space to other artists interpretation and share and build new ideas!

Initiating dialogue with Siânna Bruce about our different perspectives – Artistically we come from different backgrounds, and it gives a nice contrast in how we relate to the pendulums.

The artistic duo Per and Iréne Moneeo talks about their roles as musicians, composers and creators within our research lab sessions. Per even manages to sum up his years of building the tech solutions in a couple of sentences, making it sound like it was done in a coffee break. Even just looking back at all the problem solving we’ve gone through to find the set up we now have is making me sweat. I’m so glad we didn’t know how complex things would get before we got started!

Our research continues!

So grateful that the wonderful artists Siânna Bruce and Moneeo wanted to step into my PENDULUM PLAYGROUND world for an innovative artistic collaboration to explore some new ideas together!

We let the cameras roll and invite you to take a sneak peek into a world of creativity and play when we merge our technical knowledge with our artistic ideas to create something new. Watch this space!

Research coming up!

In 2010 me and Per Moneeo had a wild idea! From this a whole artistic world has formed piece by piece, step by step, sometimes going backwards to go forwards.

Now we wish to share this journey with you. 

Crafted from scratch, we have designed a unique visual instrument that we believe allows for a new way of telling a story. We hope for this live experience to thrive in theatres, concert halls, art galleries and industrial spaces.

This is us a few years ago experimenting with some of the technical solutions for our creation. What do you think?

To be continued!

Creative Team:
Per Moneeo – Composer, musician and technical developer of the interactive audio solution.
Johan Wellton – Artist, storywriter, director and developer of the rig and pendulum concept.
Marcus Björn – Rigger and technical support
Nils Bleeck – Technical engineer

With support by:
Region Gävleborg – Producer
Gävle Symphony Orchestra – String quartet & percussionist
Folkteatern Gävleborg – Theatre & stage consultant

Filmed and edited by Erik Norberg & Halvar Wallman in colloboration with Per Moneeo & Johan Wellton.

Audience award in the Netherlands!

2022 ended with 16 sold out performances at the beautiful Parktheater in Eindhoven, with close to 25 000 people in the audience all together. The show Kerstwintercircus celebrated its 50 years anniversary with a big program presenting performers from all over the world receiving amazing reviews and fantastic response.

On top of all this, Johan won the prestigious award The audience favorite with his act BOUNCE!, since the theater has the tradition to let all the visitors vote what act they liked the most after each show. Such a wonderful feedback, and what a great inspiration to go tour soon again!

A big thank you to the theater and all of the team for a fantastic production – and a huge thank you also to everyone in the audience for the laughters and good vibes – Hope to see you all soon again!